About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Mrs. B and I teach 3rd grade Reading and Language Arts. I LOVE my job! We learn so many interesting things in 3rd grade. When I'm not teaching I like to go to sporting events and hang out with my family. We are going to have a great year!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hi students!  Welcome back to school! I hope that you all had a wonderful break!  I know that I did.  Now that we are in January, we will be studying hard to get prepared for the TAKS tests that we will take at the end of April.  You will take a math test and a reading test just like you do when we "benchmark test."  I know that if you try your best the focus these next few months, you will do an Owlstanding job on the TAKS!  Before we get to that, I'd like to know what your favorite part of your time off from school was....I'll get us started....I did many things over the holiday break from school like read, watch tv, shop, and clean house.  My two favorite parts of the break were getting to sleep late in the morning and spend so much time at home with my family. Please comment about what your favorite part of the break was. I'm looking forward to reading your responses!


  1. My favorite thing was geting to spend time with my family.

  2. Well the 1 week I got for Christmas was a NINTENDO DSI XL and the 2 week I started washing clothes and cleaned all week until my gramba got back with my 1 year old cousin Emily.

  3. It was chirstmas because we get lots of toys.
    I liked all the things I got.
    I had a very good break.

  4. My favorite part of the time off was when I went on vacation.We rode our bikes,swam,and played tenis.We had lots of fun.We loved our vacation.

  5. My favorite part was being with my family and having a lot of fun. We got a lot of toy most of the kids got more present. I olny got 6 present and my other favorite part was when we got to play a famliy game and. We also play a other game it was so much fun. We all had so much fun. That's all I had fun. But my famliy and I had so much fun together.

  6. I had a good time on my vacation.I got to spend time with my family.That was my favorite
    part of my whole vacation!Another thing I liked about the vacation is that I got to sleep late.I also had fun popping fireworks
    and eating wonderful foods.I hope that you had
    a good Christmas and Happy New Year too!

  7. Hi! Mrs.Boehme my favorite thing about Christmas was that nobody was sad or reminded about my real dad not going to see us we all had a good time anyway. I got alot of stuff it was fun but I didn't need presents I just wanted to be with my family. My other favorite part was that I got to go see my other side of my family. It was fun popping fireworks on New Years. I had fun on both Christmas and New Years. What did you do on New Years and Christmas. Happy holidays Mrs.Boehme byebye see soon. You are the best.

  8. Hi A.C.! For Christmas we stayed home and watched movies and for New Years we had our neighbors over to our house and we ate hamburgers and played the game Last Word. It was a blast even though I didn't win that time :)

  9. I had the best day today. I was a little bit nervous, but still had and an interesting day. I made four new friends at my new school.

    See you tomorrow!


  10. R.C.hi mrs.Boehme for christmas i got a puppy his name is Milo i got the name from a movie called THE MASK because there is a dog named Milo.

  11. I went to Houstin for NEW YEARS EVE to go see my grandmas side of her family.The best thing is that me and sister and my cuzins poped fireworks.HAPPY NEW YEARS MRS.BOHEOM

  12. Thank you for all of the nice posts boys and girls! I'm glad that you all had a nice Christmas! Ali, I'm glad you had a nice day! We are happy to have you in our class! R.C--WOW! A puppy how nice! Make sure you are very nice to Milo :) Bring me a picture sometime so I can see what he looks like!

  13. Hi!My favorite part of my christmas break is:spending my time with my family,and haveing a great time.

    Happy New Years!
