About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Mrs. B and I teach 3rd grade Reading and Language Arts. I LOVE my job! We learn so many interesting things in 3rd grade. When I'm not teaching I like to go to sporting events and hang out with my family. We are going to have a great year!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013
Dear Students,
   We have been doing Rock and Read to help us with poetry skills.  We read/sing and discuss many different things within the poems/songs.  Remember that when we do Rock and Read we are going over Lyrical Poems.  Lyrical Poems are poems that are about a persons personal feelings that have rhythm and are usually put to music.  We also identify words with prefixes and suffixes, compound words, contractions, and many more.  Another thing we have discussed this week in poetry is the fancy word : Repetition.  Repetition kind of sounds like the word "repeat" and that's what repetition is!!  It is something that is repeated. 
Here are your questions: What are stanzas and what is your favorite Christmas song?
                                                                        Mrs. B

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Families,

 I want to introduce you to our classroom blog.  You and your child can visit our blog anywhere and anytime you have Internet access.  I will be posting important information about our class and I will also be posting questions for the children to respond to.  Please check here whenever you can to see what's going on! :)  I hope that your family has a SPLENDID Thanksgiving break! I am looking forward to spending time with my family, watching the Thanksgiving parade, and eating lots of dressing (that's my favorite Thanksgiving food).  Students, enjoy your time off and please share how you are spending your holiday break if you have time! I can't wait to read it!

Joyfully,   Mrs. B

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hi students and parents!  I want to welcome you to our class blog.  I am so excited to meet you all and get to know everyone.  On this blog we will be posting about what we are learning about in class and doing other fun things such as taking class polls, answering questions, and visting teacher approved websites. Please visit this blog as often as you would like as it will be updated often.  We are going to have a wonderful year and learn tons :)                                                       Joyfully,                                                                                                                      Mrs. B  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Solar System Research

Hello students and families!  Can you believe we are already in the 6th six weeks? This year has flown by!  The focus of this six weeks will be RESEARCH!! Each student has chosen a planet to learn more about.  Students will be utilizing both books and the Internet to gather facts.  They will be using various methods to share their knowledge including web charts, flip books, and posters.  I look forward to learning more about each planet!  Parents, ask your child what they have learned :)

***Students, please comment about something interesting that you found out about your planet :)

                                  Mrs. Boehme :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

STAAR Parent Letter Directions

Hi parents!  Here is where you can send your child a letter of encoragment that they will read before they take the STAAR test next week.  They have been doing a WONDERFUL job preparing and I know they are more than ready to tackle that STAAR test!  To post your letter please click at the bottom of this post where it says Comments. Then Post a Comment to your child. When you are finished, click Comment As. From the menu, select Name/URL and type your name. Click Post Comment and type in the spam word. Click Post Comment again until you see the message that reads: Your comment is awaiting aproval.  You are now finished!
Thank you so much for your support!  Please make sure the nights before the tests that your child goes to bed early, eats a good breakfast in the mornings, and is in good spirits for the tests!  I know they will be nervous, but please reassure them that they are ready to pass! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Open House Time!!!

Hello Families,

          It's that time of year again! It is time for Open House! Our Open House will be held March 8, 2012 in our classrooms.  Please feel free to visit my classroom as well as Mrs. Flores' classroom between 6:30-7:30 pm to see what your child has been working hard on.  Look forward to seeing you!

                                                     Mrs. Boehme